The Epson ColorWorks CW-C6000Ae belongs to the Epson Colorworks CW-C6000 series that Epson frist revealed during the LabelExpo in 2019. The Epson ColorWorks C6000Ae is the 4 inch wide model of this series and is equip with an auto cutter function that can cut endless media in any desired length.
De Epson Colorworks C6000 series has many benefits such as wide media possibilities, color management, extra control tools and many others.
Specific to the Epson CW-C6000Ae model is the 4 inch width and auto cutter. It is able to use the media rolls of the ColorWorks C7500(G) and C6500 printers. Due the extra settings it is able to print on a very wide range of media, even media with a low quality inkjet coating can be printed when using the correct settings. Still a good inkjet coating is recommended to get the best results.